
Media Asset Management and Artificial Intelligence (AI): a perfect team.

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More and more developers are integrating AI into their media asset management solutions.

But what exactly is AI? And what is a MAM? What AI services are available in the world of video? And what are the benefits of AI in MAM solutions?

Answers to these questions can be found here!



What is artificial intelligence and how does AI work?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science that deals with the automation of intelligent behavior and machine learning. Usually, artificial intelligence refers to the attempt to emulate certain decision-making structures of humans, for example, by building and programming a computer in such a way that it can handle problems relatively independently.

Artificial intelligence aims to have a program automatically perform tasks that normally require human thought. In the development of Artificial Intelligence, the program learns new patterns and situations. The training of a software required for this can be done by human intervention. Artificial intelligence can be assigned to a variety of tasks.

For example, if AI software is integrated into a media asset management system, it can automatically recognize content in video footage, among other things.


What is a MAM?

Media asset management (MAM) refers to software applications for storing and managing digital content, especially media files such as videos, audios and images.

Such a system is designed to help store, find, manage, edit and distribute video and multimedia files in a more efficient workflow.

Main functions in classical media asset management systems are:

  • Importing and exporting files, with format conversion if necessary
  • Enriching files with meta information for research purposes
  • Searching files based on metadata or other properties
  • Displaying, listening to and viewing files
  • Archiving and versioning files

Ultimately, a media asset management system is all about using the potential that exists in the videos and increasing the video output many times over! And thus significantly increase the value of the videos! With medialoopster Media Asset Management you have the chance to keyword your video content with metadata according to time, to organize, use and reuse it across all your locations worldwide. Artificial intelligence can be used to perform video analytics, automate workflows and significantly increase content utilization.



AI for video analytics – what AI services are there?

Innovative media asset management solutions around video are now using AI to make it easier to work with moving images.

With speech recognition capabilities, AI can identify words that are spoken in a video. It is also possible to translate and automatically subtitle videos in multiple languages. Human proofreading is necessary, of course, but AI can save a lot of time.

With the help of AI, the tagging of videos can be almost completely automated. After uploading the media assets, the appropriate AI services can be launched. These can be AI services in the cloud from well-known tech giants or startups to On Prem offerings. With transcription, i.e. the automatic conversion of spoken words into text, further keywords can be created and assigned from the audio track.

Recognizing faces, objects, placemarks and even emotions can now also be done by an AI. An artificial intelligence can search for specific people. It recognizes the people in a video and can even identify emotions on faces. By automatically recognizing faces that express joy or laughter, it’s easier and faster to find the media files you need to create content, for example.

Here’s a (certainly not exhaustive) overview of which AI services can automate and thus simplify the analysis, processing and distribution of videos:

  • Speech recognition
  • Text recognition (OCR)
  • Convert speech to text (ASR or Speech to Text), incorporating the timeline in the video (clicking on the words in the text automatically takes you to the exact point in the video where the word is spoken)
  • Recognition of faces, objects and logos
  • Recognition of emotions
  • Text creation
  • Synthetic voice/voice over (overlaying the video with a spoken text)
  • Translation into different languages
  • Adaptation of videos into different formats (for different social channels)
  • Adjusting/shortening the duration of video posts (a 1-minute post can be generated into a 30-second post)
  • Video generation from text input (video sequences are concatenated to match the text description)

AI services are already integrated in medialoopster and can be used by customers as needed. In addition, it is also possible to integrate external AI applications if required.



AI in the MAM system – What does a MAM have to be able to do?

The handling of video files can be optimized considerably by a MAM system.

The full potential of a professional media asset management system can be tapped in particular if a powerful database can accommodate the multitude of metadata generated by AI and an intelligent metadata management system can process and pass on this data accordingly. In addition, intelligent, AI-based functions can be used to achieve a high degree of automation.

A powerful, AI-powered media asset management solution can eliminate the many hours of manual work associated with tagging, organizing and storing video assets.

A prerequisite for this is that the MAM solution can generate and process time-based metadata. Video assets are tagged with time-related image and action descriptions. Shots, sequences, and entire movies can be assigned metadata with the highest precision from the start, which is necessary to accurately locate the content being searched for within a video.

In addition, individual AI services can be connected in series to automate complete video wokflows. Here is an example of this:

Challenge: A platform in the “continuing education” sector wants to internationalize its videos.

Solution with MAM system and artificial intelligence:

Using AI ‘Speech to Text’, a transcript is generated which is then automatically translated into the target language.
Automatically generated subtitles and synthetic voice-overs complete the workflow.
With just a few clicks and in a matter of seconds, the videos are available to a large target group.

The MAM system medialoopster fulfills all requirements to use AI optimally.